Having our little G-Man has opened our eyes to find joy in the little things. I feel like even though this isn't our first round of having a child his age, it's fun to watch him experience new things!
We got him right around the time of sign ups for baseball. The best part, he was able to be on the same team as Randy for this year! He had a bit of baseball knowledge, so it was fun to practice with him in the yard before season began. He was an absolute HOOT to watch play! He played catcher quite a few times. He's on the smaller side, so it was hilarious to see him in the gear. It swallowed him, but he was a good sport! My favorite part of the whole season was when he hit the ball, made it home, or did something awesome, when it was time for him to come into the dugout, he would run to me and say, "Mrs. Sadie, did you see me do that?!" He was always beyond excited and proud! We were too! Nothing is as fun as watching a kiddo learn and gain confidence in their skills!
He is also learning how to swim. When he came to us, he wasn't confident in the water. He is now! He has loved to swim at the pool, no matter if it was at my parent's, the aquatic park, church camp, or a friend's house! You never know what a foster child has experienced so when it comes to scary situations, you have to be extra careful and patient. We are taking swimming slowly, but he is catching on super fast and impressing us! I think by the middle of July, he will be a swimmer! After the pool, he loves to come home and tell Randall all about learning to swim and how he went off the diving board with his swim vest!
Even though I am excited to sit and watch him experience things, I can't help but feel guilty. I am not the mom who gave birth to him. I'm not the one who carried him for 9 months. This is something she should get to experience and see. I pray for her every day. I can't imagine not having my child. No matter the circumstances, his mom will always be in my prayers. Jesus can change any situation and He can change anyone. Please be praying for his family.
Awww - I'm so glad to hear that he is doing so well. I can't imagine not having m child either and missing out on these precious times. Praying that things change for them.