Day 8:
We always enjoy going and watching our youth in their activities. This night was no exception! Loved seeing them play basketball, cheer, and visiting in the stands!
Day 9:
We took a trip to Fuji's-- my most FAVORITE place to eat. Oh, it was as ah-mazing as always! YUMMO!
Day 10:
We had a train table in Randy's room that did nothing but collect junk. He never played with it. So since their love of Legos has grown, we decided to turn it into a Lego table instead!
Day 11:
Cousin Alex came over and played with Randy and his Legos! Love that Randy has him to look up to!
Day 12:
Another one of Miss Ruthie Pooh reading. Here lately, she's been on a Diary of a Wimpy Kid kick!
Day 13:
Resting day. We stayed home from school this day and did nothing but rest. I told the kids they are stuck on the couch. We watched tons of movies, snuggled, and napped.
Day 14:
Haircut time for this little man. He didn't want to at first, but when I told him I could do a better faux-hawk with shorter hair, he was game! (This was a before pic)
Week three coming up soon!
I like sharing your week. I think the resting day sounds wonderful!