Thursday, January 22, 2015

Visiting Pops & Granny

It seems as though this past year has been so busy.  We had very little time to even relax as a family.  This year, we are striving to focus on our family a little more.  This included Randall's dad and his wife.  They live in Oklahoma, about a two hour drive from us.  We haven't been out in what seemed like forever.  We scheduled a trip, grabbed Grandad to come with us, and headed up there.

The kids and I in the back seat:

Randy didn't make it too long:

 As always, it was a great time.  I always enjoy spending time with them.  I captured some great memories with my phone.  I was sad that I didn't have my camera, but grateful at what I did capture.

Randy is such a little man.  He cracks me up.  He wanted to be right in the middle of his dad, Pops, and Grandad.  Pops has a room with guitars on every wall.  Randy was immediately drawn in and wanted to play all of them.

My favorite part was listening to Pops play and Grandad sing.  What a special moment that was.  This group of Qualls men are such a great family to be a part of.  I am thankful they consider me family.  I love them all to pieces!

Ruthie enjoyed her time up there as well.  We were a bit under the weather so she watched a lot of tv and rested.  I happened to catch this photo of her checking out the back yard.  They live right on a lake and their view is nothing short of spectacular!

These two snuggled up on the couch made me smile.

Later on during the day, Pops took us out to look at his farm.  He & his buddy Walt have done a fantastic job.  It was a miserable cold day though, so Ruthie and Grandad kept each other warm!

Trips to Oklahoma are few and far between.  Time with family is such an important part of life.  We are going to strive to make it more often.  

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Week 2: Project365

I am hoping to stay on track with this blog!  I sure miss looking back and reading about my daily activities with my babies!

Day 8:
We always enjoy going and watching our youth in their activities.  This night was no exception!  Loved seeing them play basketball, cheer, and visiting in the stands!

Day 9: 
We took a trip to Fuji's-- my most FAVORITE place to eat. Oh, it was as ah-mazing as always!  YUMMO!

Day 10:
We had a train table in Randy's room that did nothing but collect junk.  He never played with it.  So since their love of Legos has grown, we decided to turn it into a Lego table instead!  

Day 11:
Cousin Alex came over and played with Randy and his Legos!  Love that Randy has him to look up to!


Day 12:
Another one of Miss Ruthie Pooh reading.  Here lately, she's been on a Diary of a Wimpy Kid kick!  

Day 13:
Resting day.  We stayed home from school this day and did nothing but rest.  I told the kids they are stuck on the couch.  We watched tons of movies, snuggled, and napped. 

Day 14:
Haircut time for this little man. He didn't want to at first, but when I told him I could do a better faux-hawk with shorter hair, he was game!  (This was a before pic)

Week three coming up soon!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Starting off 2015 with a P365

I found a great photographer who started a project 365 and invited other photographers to join.  The best part- it is phoneography!  Why is this good?  I have been super lazy with my big camera, and I use my phone so much more for those lifestyle snaps.  I am super excited and so far, after 13 days, I have kept up with it.  I hope I can continue.  I need to find ways to be more inspired, but in the winter months, it's tough.  I loathe the cold weather....absolutely loathe it.  However, I am going to keep on trucking and wait impatiently for that warm sunshine on my face!

Week One of Project365-

Day 1:
The kiddos fell in love with Legos.  I found some upstairs that I have been hoarding saving for years.  I love watching their imagination run wild!

Day 2:
My sweet Peach all curled up in the recliner.  Her beauty never fails to amaze me!

Day 3:
We took a trip to see Pops and Granny in Oklahoma.  Randy fell in love with Pop's guitar collection.  Randy would just sit and play.  I think he might need one soon!

Day 4:
I don't think words will ever do this photo justice.  On our new sanctuary dedication, my brother and my father both joined the church.  What an amazing moment that was for me!  As you may have noticed in my last post, my mom joined the church as well and was baptized.  Well, my brother decided to be re-baptized.  I was so blessed to be there to witness it.  I can't even begin to describe how much West Park has changed our lives for the better!

Day 5:
I took this the Monday after Christmas break.  I was trying to find the beauty in the day, and when I looked up, this is what I saw.

Day 6:
Ruthie's love for reading is growing each and every day.  In fact, today, she finished a book.  Yep, she's like me in that sense; I could sit and read all day long!

Day 7:
Randy hadn't been feeling good (still isn't) and we took a trip to the doctor.  Turns out, he was quite wheezy and they gave him in inhaler.  He was in a good, goofy mood that day though!

Since today is the 13th, I am hoping to be back on tomorrow with another post.  So excited to be on this journey of Project365!

Friday, January 2, 2015

{2014} Year in Review

I was basically absent in 2014, but believe me when I say, it was a BUSY one! Here are a few (more like many) of my favorite photos from 2014!  These are in a crazy order!